Civil War General

Confederate General John Bell Hood CDV withNashville TN backmark and tax stamp

Confederate General John Bell Hood CDV withNashville TN backmark and tax stamp
Confederate General John Bell Hood CDV withNashville TN backmark and tax stamp

Confederate General John Bell Hood CDV withNashville TN backmark and tax stamp   Confederate General John Bell Hood CDV withNashville TN backmark and tax stamp

Confederate General John Bell Hood CDV. The hard fighting general leading his men in the Peninsula Campaign, Second battle of Bull Run, Seven Days battles, battle of Gaines Mill, Sharpsburg, battles of Antietam and Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Atlanta, battles of Franklin and Nashville.

Confederate General John Bell Hood CDV withNashville TN backmark and tax stamp   Confederate General John Bell Hood CDV withNashville TN backmark and tax stamp