CIVIL War Soldier Union Colonel Thomas W Humphrey 95th Illinois Kia CDV Photo
This listing is for TWO original CDVs, one of Thomas Humphrey and a second CDV of his wife, Phila Jane Smith Humphrey. This is actually the only photo I've ever seen of his wife... It might even be more rare than Thomas's CDV. Listing pic #1 shows both photos as they were found in an album. Album is not included, but shown here for ID purposes. Thomas William Humphrey, Civil War Union Brevet Brigadier General. On August 22, 1862, he entered the Union Army and was appointed Lieutenant Colonel in the 95th Regiment, Illinois Infantry Volunteers on September 4, 1862. He was in General Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign November, 1862, to January, 1863 and during the Siege of Vicksburg was promoted to Colonel in command of the 95th Regiment on May 21, 1863.
He continued to lead the 95th in all operations until he was killed in action at Guntown, Mississippi. For his sacrifice and devotion to duty he was brevetted Brigadier General of U. Both CDVs are 4" x 2.5" and both are in VG antique condition, Thomas's CDV having a couple of small mount nicks, Phila's with light foxing.