We are offering in this listing one original 1860's Civil War cdv sepia albumen photo of General James Brewerton Ricketts. A superb image with rich contrast. The photo is ink signed with rank James B Ricketts Brig Genl. The signature which was clipped from a larger piece was affixed, in period, to the front bottom of the photo. This is an authentic autograph in the hand of General James B.
Ricketts & it is guaranteed entirely original in all respects. The back has the photographer's marking Published by E. Anthony, 501 Broadway, New York. From photographic negative in Brady's National Portrait Gallery. The back has an, in period, penciled identification "Genl Ricketts" in an unknown hand. This cdv is one part of a 98 piece collection of cdv photos that was formed during the Civil War and slightly after by General George Hampden Crosman & his wife.The Crosman album contained a number of scarce & elusive cdvs of Union generals as well as a number of cdvs of Union generals with original autographs. This cdv measures 4 inches tall by 2 7/16 inches wide. There is a small 1/4 inch by 1/32 inch bit of residue on the back.
There is a very faint insignificant wrinkle on the back surface that only shows when the cdv is held in strong light. The cdv is basically quite choice & shows only minute wear. Our inventory number of this item is #5878.And available only to addresses within the U. James Ricketts was born on 21 June 1817 & died on 22 September 1887. Ricketts was a career officer in the United States Army, serving as a Union Army general in the Eastern Theater during the American Civil War.
Ricketts was born in New York City. He graduated 16th in a class of 31 at the United States Military Academy in 1839 and was assigned to the 1st U.Ricketts was married twice, first with Harriet Pierce, in 1840, daughter of Benjamin Kendrick Pierce brother of future U. President Franklin Pierce and Josette Laframboise.
After Harriet's early death in 1854, he married Frances "Fannie" Lawrence. He served during the Canada border disturbances on garrison duty and then was promoted to first lieutenant in April 1846. Ricketts saw considerable action during the Mexican-American War, participating in the Battle of Monterrey, and as commander of a gun, along with Abner Doubleday, held the Rinconada Pass during the Battle of Buena Vista. Despite his active service, he received no brevet promotions during the Mexican-American War, unlike many of his fellow officers. Following his return from Mexico, Ricketts served in various army posts. He was promoted to captain in August 1853 and served in Florida against the Seminole Indians, and subsequently on frontier duty in Texas. At the beginning of the Civil War, Ricketts served in the defenses of Washington, D. And commanded an artillery battery in the capture of Confederate-held Alexandria, Virginia, in early 1861. His battery was then attached to William B. Franklin's Brigade of Samuel Heintzelman's Division. He was shot four times and captured at the First Battle of Bull Run on July 21, when his battery was overrun by Confederate infantry.For his personal bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, on that same day Ricketts was brevetted as a lieutenant colonel in the Regular Army He was confined as a prisoner of war in Richmond, although his wife Fannie was allowed to travel to Richmond and stay with him as his nurse. On December 18, 1861, he was exchanged for Confederate Colonel Julius A. Ricketts was not paroled until January 1862, when he was placed on medical leave to recuperate. On April 30, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln appointed Ricketts a brigadier general of volunteers to rank from July 21, 1861.
The President had nominated Ricketts for the promotion on March 27, 1862, and the U. Senate confirmed the appointment on April 28, 1862. On his return to duty, Ricketts was assigned to command of a division in Irvin McDowell's corps, which he commanded at the Battle of Cedar Mountain, where he covered Nathaniel P. At Second Bull Run, his division was thrown forward by McDowell into Thoroughfare Gap to bar the advance of James Longstreet, who was seeking to unite his wing with that of Stonewall Jackson.
Ricketts, who was being flanked and in danger of being cut off, withdrew. At the subsequent Battle of Antietam, he had two horses killed under him and he was badly injured when the second one fell on him. When he recovered sufficiently for duty, he was appointed to the Fitz John Porter court-martial. The trial was created to convict, with every judge beholden Edwin M. Stanton for tenure or impending promotion except for Benjamin M. Ricketts probably voted for acquittal and was not promoted. He did not return to the field until March 1864, when he was assigned to a division of John Sedgwick's VI Corps, which he led through Ulysses S. His men were considered as low quality, many of them being former members of Robert H. Milroy's maligned Winchester command. The division performed poorly at the Battle of the Wilderness and without note at Spotsylvania Court House. However, Ricketts received the brevet of colonel, Regular Army, for gallant and meritorious services at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 3, 1864, where he and his men performed well. In July 1864, Ricketts and his command, numbering only 3,350 men, were hurried north to oppose Jubal Early's attack on Washington, D.Ricketts fought at the Battle of Monocacy under Major General Lew Wallace, suffering the heaviest losses while holding the Union left flank. For his service there, on December 12, 1864, President Lincoln nominated Ricketts for appointment to the brevet grade of major general of volunteers, to rank from August 1, 1864, and the U. Senate confirmed the appointment on February 14, 1865. [2] Ricketts was engaged in Philip Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign. At the Battle of Cedar Creek, he commanded the VI Corps in the initial hours of the fighting but was wounded by a MiniƩ ball through his chest that disabled him for life.
Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House, April 9, 1865. In late July 1865, Ricketts was assigned to the command of a district in the Department of Virginia, a post he held until April 30, 1866, when he was mustered out of the volunteer service. On April 10, 1866, President Andrew Johnson nominated Ricketts for appointment to the brevet grade of brigadier general, United States Army, for gallant services at the Battle of Cedar Creek, to rank from March 13, 1865, and the U. Senate confirmed the appointment on May 4, 1866.On July 17, 1866, President Andrew Johnson nominated Ricketts for appointment to the brevet grade of major general, United States Army, "gallant and meritorious service in the field, " to rank from March 13, 1865, and the U. Senate confirmed the appointment on July 23, 1866. Ricketts was appointed lieutenant colonel, 21st U.
Infantry in July 1866, but he declined the post. Ricketts retired from active service on January 3, 1867, due to disability from wounds received in battle, and served on various courts-martial until January 1869. He was placed on the retired list as a major general in the regular army, to rank from January 3, 1867, the date of his retirement. Never in good health due to his chest wound suffered while serving in the Shenandoah Valley, after Ricketts retired from the army, he lived in Washington, D.
For the rest of his life. He died there in his home on September 27, 1887 and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. His wife was buried alongside him when she died in 1900. One of their sons, Basil Norris Ricketts, served in the Rough Riders under Theodore Roosevelt during the Spanish-American War and is buried near them. Ricketts' grave marker reads: Assigned to artillery on the Canadian frontier. Served through the War with Mexico. Engaged in twenty seven battles of the rebellion.Prisoner of war in Richmond. Died September 27, 1887 from wounds received while commanding the Sixth Army Corps in the Shenandoah Valley. He gave his honors to the world again.
His blessings part to heaven, and sleeps in peace.